
Registrų centras: NT sandorių rinka metus pradėjo aktyviai

Šių metų pradžia šalies nekilnojamojo turto (NT) sandorių rinkoje buvo aktyvesnė nei įprastai pirmąjį metų mėnesį ir išlaikė panašų tempą kaip ir praėjusių metų pabaigoje, skelbia įregistruotus NT sandorius analizuojantis Registrų centras.Šių metų sausio mėnesio rezultatas yra panašus į tą, kurį fiksavome praėjusių metų antroje pusėje. Tai rodo, kad rinka yra inertiška ir praėjusių

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Real estate forecasts

VERSLAS NEKILNOJAMASIS TURTAS Ž. Mauricas: pigesnio būsto paklausa sumažėjo, dėl to šiek tiek sumažėjo ir jo kaina. Pirmąjį šių metų ketvirtį fiksuotas nedidelis sovietmečiu statyto ir nerenovuoto būsto kainos kritimas, tačiau kito nekilnojamojo turto (NT) kaina išliko stabili. „Luminor“ banko ekonomistas Žygimantas Mauricas prognozuoja, kad ekonominio būsto kainos šiemet turėtų stabilizuotis. „Luminor“ banko nekilnojamojo turto

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The last month of spring was not successful for the housing market: not only real estate buyers are retreating

Paskutinis pavasario mėnuo būsto rinkai sėkmingas nebuvo: atsitraukia ne tik NT pirkėjai Kalbant apie gegužės mėnesio būsto rinką galima pacituoti E. M. Remarką – NT rinkos fronte nieko naujo. Pardavimai neaugo, tačiau pasiūla, kai kurių NT analitikų skaičiavimais, fiksuota dar mažesnė nei balandį. Kitaip tariant, neskuba nei pirkėjai, nei NT vystytojai. Tačiau kainos, vis tik,

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New apartments only furnished !

Keičiama NT įsigijimo tvarka: naują būstą bus galima pirkti tik įrengtą prognozuoja NT kainų šuolį Justina Maciūnaitė 2023 m. sausio 16 d. 11:14 aA Nuo kitų metų sausio mėnesio Lietuvoje nebebus galima įsigyti būsto su visiems įprasta daline apdaila. Pirkėjo ir pardavėjo notarinė pirkimo ir pardavimo sutartis bus pasirašoma tik tada, kai projekte bus visi

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Statybų reguliavimo pokyčiai: ką svarbu žinoti NT vystytojams?

Publikacijos / 2023 m. sausio 5 d. / Simonas Skukauskas, Emilė Navickaitė Prieš pat 2022 m. pabaigą buvo priimta puokštė NT vystytojams reikšmingų Statybos įstatymo bei Teritorijų planavimo ir statybos valstybinės priežiūros įstatymo (Priežiūros įstatymas) pakeitimų. Dauguma jų įsigalios dar šiemet. Draudimas parduoti patalpas nebaigtuose statiniuose Pagal Statybos įstatymo pakeitimus sudaryti sandorius dėl nuosavybės teisės perleidimo į tam tikras

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Real estate prices

12 ekspertų apie NT kainas rudenį ir žiemą: ekonomistai siūlo laukti kainų kritimo, pardavėjai – stagnacijos 15 Jonas Deveikis, LRT.lt2022.09.27 05:30 Nekilnojamas turtas / J. Stacevičiaus/LRT nuotr. Pasaulyje daugėja miestų, kuriuose nekilnojamojo turto (NT) kainos ima mažėti. kalbinti ekspertai laikosi nuomonės, kad rudenį ir žiemą NT kainos išliks tokio pat lygio arba mažės, o

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The market is changing ?

A fundamental turning point in the real estate market: the control of the situation is returning to buyers – what changes in housing prices to expect? … Justina Maciūnaitė 16 September 2022 at 10:53 Autumn began with good news for real estate buyers, especially those who want to buy an apartment in Vilnius. In both the primary and secondary markets, a pause in price increases is recorded. Real estate analysts say market control is back in the hands of buyers. Is it

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Housing rental prices

Housing rental prices in Lithuania: some calculate earnings, others – growing expenses 7 August 2022. Rising prices have not overtaken the housing rental market either. According to the data of Statistics Lithuania, during the year the rent of residential real estate became more expensive in all major Cities of Lithuania, only in the port city it remained similar. Although most of the rent for housing is paid by Vilnius residents and Kaunas residents, last year

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Is this already the beginning of the fall in real estate prices ?

  "Inreal": an unusually large number of apartment transactions were terminated in July Published: 2022-08-01 Lukas Blekaitis "Verslo žinios" In July, compared to the corresponding period last year, sales of primary market apartments in Vilnius decreased by 88%, in Kaunas – by 38%, in Klaipėda – by 44%, according to the real estate (RE) service company Inreal. According to its data, 64 were agreed in Vilnius last month, 45 in Kaunas and 45 in Klaipėda

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Can the State demolish your house?

The state can demolish not only your own house, but also an apartment building: it listed in which cases the Ministry of the Environment, with the help of external experts, is preparing a feasibility study aimed at forming opportunities for renovating or demolishing apartment buildings in poor condition altogether. The feasibility study is expected to be ready as early as next year. However, implementing such an idea can be difficult: can the state really encroach on the population

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News from the Centre of Registers

Centre of Registers: The real estate transaction market this year is one-tenth more modest Due to the ongoing geopolitical uncertainty and related economic reasons, the beginning of this year in the real estate (RE) transaction market is calmer than it was a year ago. The total number of registered real estate transactions this year is one tenth more modest, according to the Center of Registers, which analyzes the dynamics of registered real estate transactions. "Usually the beginning of the year in real estate transactions

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Down payment for the loan

For those looking for the first home, it is difficult times: it may not be possible to accumulate an initial contribution for a loan LRYTAS.LT BUSINESS MY MONEY Prices for vacant apartments in the primary Vilnius real estate (RE) market have increased by 7.3 per cent since the beginning of the year. In April alone, they rose 2.7 percent compared to March. Experts also note that in March-April, in contrast to previous months, in the capital almost

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So can we wait for the decline in RE prices?

In China, for the fifth month in a row, real estate prices are falling – wondering if we will feel the hangovers of such constructions and we LRYTAS.LT BUSINESS MARKET PULSE in China is falling real estate (RE) prices for the fifth month. It seems that this market is in crisis, or is it too early to write such a verdict? Will the praise of the construction hard times, which have grown at an incredible pace, be felt by the whole world, among

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Apartment prices

There is no longer enough money for those who want to buy a home in the capital, but there is another bad news In January, 7 per cent fewer homes were sold in the primary real estate (RE) market in Vilnius than in December, and the prices of vacant housing increased by 2 per cent during this period. Experts estimate that in January, more than 15 different projects raised the prices of their homes for sale. The rise in prices was also due to the fact that

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When will apartments become cheaper?

For those who are waiting for apartment prices to fall, the expert has an answer: not everyone will like the LRYTAS.LT BUSTAS REAL ESTATE Last year was impressive for the real estate (RE) market: a record number of real estate objects were sold, prices rose at a long-seen pace. It is predicted that some developers can relocate their activities abroad: they are pointing the finger at the bureaucracy and the law. "Lietuvos rytas" TV show "New

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NT tax

The Bank of Lithuania is calling for the introduction of a global re tax – it should be applied to all without exception LRYTAS.LT BUSINESS MARKET PULSE The bank of Lithuania's tightened down payment requirement for not the first home loans will cool the segment of the high-risk housing market and reduce the risk of over-indebtedness. Often, buyers of unmeasured expectations and hype in the market increase their indebtedness and buy additional

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Lithuanians who want to live in their own houses, but do not catch up with prices, have discovered new directions: prices there are sometimes lower LRYTAS.LT BUSTAS REAL ESTATE Residents are increasingly borrowing not only for the construction or purchase of apartments, but also for individual houses – this has been noticed by bankers for some time. In metropolitan areas, when apartment prices jumped by almost 20% per year, making the decision to settle in a house, however,

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Is this the beginning of a new crisis?

China is already shaken by the real estate crisis – the waves that have arisen there can also recede to us: prices are falling, sales are falling LRYTAS.LT BUSINESS MARKET PULSE The real estate (RE) crisis is raging in China – more and more real estate developers are announcing an impending insolvency. First of all, the news of the problems of the giant Evergrande reached. However, she is not the only one struggling with debts. At a glance, China

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Investment in European real estate grew by 21 percent in photo by pixabay. According to Real Capital Analytics (RCA), real estate (RE) transaction volumes in Europe in the third quarter of this year approached pre-pandemic levels. Sales of industrial facilities and apartments contributed significantly to this. The company's latest report indicates that between July and September 2021, transactions were made for $ 64.4 billion. Euro. It's 21

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What is most important when choosing housing ?

The survey revealed what is most important for Lithuanian residents when choosing a new home When the real estate (RE) market is heated, new-build housing is being snatched from the drawings. When choosing a new dwelling, the most important thing for Lithuanian residents is its energy efficiency class, quality of work and sound insulation, according to a representative survey conducted in May by the company "Spinter research". Real estate developers warn that not all these aspects are successful for buyers

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NT tax

Residential taxation is being considered: the ministry offered three alternatives to the photo of Sigismund Gedvila / 15min. / Cars near apartment buildings Gytis Kapsevičius Business journalist At wednesday's meeting of the Working Group on the Review of Tax Incentives, alternatives to non-commercial real estate taxation were considered. Today, a resident's real estate is subject to the amount of 150 thousand. a relief in the value of the euro – up to this limit, such assets are not taxed. The ministry proposes to apply

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Where is the RE overestimated ?

The cities of the world are named, where the real estate photo is most overrated. The world-famous Swiss bank UBS conducted an annual survey about the cities where real estate (RE) is most overvalued. Analysts have singled out those cities of the world where the risk of "bubble" in the real estate market is extremely high. Also mentioned areas where housing prices correspond to its value. The housing market is usually one of the most stable and

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How expensive were apartments in Vilnius ?

Center of Registers: in 5 years in the capital, apartments have become more expensive almost one and a half times Over the past five years, not only the number of apartments built and sold in Vilnius city has grown, but also their prices. Apartments in the capital became an attractive investment, more and more people were looking for and buying a second or third home, and in response to demand, real estate (RE) developers were bringing to the market more and more

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Artist The Weeknd bought the most expensive real estate purchase of 2021 in California: explore the villa for $70 million

BEAUTIFUL HOME 3 days ago Performer The Weeknd purchased the most expensive real estate purchase in California in 2021: take a look around the villa for 70 million (PHOTO) The famous US artist and record producer The Weeknd (real name Abel Makkonen Tesfaye) has spent a lot. The man made the most expensive real estate purchase in California in 2021, an impressive villa for $70 million.

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Warns of a changing rental market – if this continues, there will be trouble Predicting when prices will fall.

With real estate (RE) price growth above 15%, there are fears of the same rapid price hike in the housing rental market. While real estate brokers say that the current price increase is associated with seasonality, the economist warns of new trends and possible dangers. According to Tomas Sovijus Kvainickas, Head of Investment and Analysis at Inreal Group, this year's price changes are difficult to compare with last year's, because

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What do photos of NT ads hide? Don't be fooled!

Today, the search for a dream home begins with photos. It's likely that if you've been browsing real estate listing sites, you've been repeatedly attracted by the beautiful views of cozy, wood-fired fireplaces, luxurious marble bathtubs, or sliding-door-closing home offices. However, not everything is as beautiful as it seems in the photos. It turns out that some of the elements of the house that look great in the photos cause a lot of trouble when you have to

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Is this the beginning of the RE crisis ?

The head of China's real estate giant, which is on the verge of collapse, promises to resume work (1) ELTA on September 21, 2021 at 08:47 aA The head of Chinese real estate development giant Evergrande, which is drowning in debt, told employees that he hoped the company would "soon overcome the darkest moment," state media reported Tuesday. Meanwhile, asian stock markets are panicking about the conglomerate being able to stop operating

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Before you decide to buy a home – bankers' advice on what is most important to pay attention to today LRYTAS.LT

With the recent return of buyers to the habit of buying a home from drawings, banking market experts see the potential financial problems of consumers' future as much less likely compared to the economic crisis of 2008. In addition, savings that have reached record highs during the pandemic in some cases allow you not to borrow and buy a home for cash. Julius Ivaška, Director of the Department of Commerce of Medical Bank

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Centre of Registers: The real estate transaction market finished the summer in a lower gear

The last month of summer of this year was marked by lower activity in the real estate (RE) transaction market than the previous two summer months. This may have been influenced by both the holiday season and the slightly slumped expectations of buyers about the future, according to analysts of the Center of Registers analyzing registered real estate transactions. Nevertheless, the total number of transactions for the whole year this year is one third higher than the

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Life in the capital becomes a challenge: economist warns - we'll work

Justina Maciūnaitė 3 September 2021 at 05:30 After looking at real estate purchase and sale prices for some time now, you want to look at: it is estimated that the annual growth of housing prices is about 15%. Of course, the rental market is also reacting to rising real estate prices. Here, too, there is a double-digit increase in prices, a jump is especially visible in Vilnius. However, experts warn – we will work: to

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Initial deposit may increase when buying Property

Edgaras Savickas proposes to cool the real estate market with twice the initial contribution for those who buy a second home on 28 September 2021 at 10:36 The Bank of Lithuania proposes to tighten the down payment requirement not for the first home loans, but to apply an additional 2 percent capital reserve to lenders for the housing loan portfolio, gediminas Šimkus, chairman of the board of the central bank, announced on Tuesday. © DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas Planned,

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Proposed changes to conditions for young families to buy their first home in the regions

In order to make it easier for young families to provide themselves with their first own housing in the territories of the country's regions and greater clarity of legal regulation, the Ministry of Social Security and Labor has prepared amendments to the law that shorten the period after which a young family will no longer have to repay the subsidy received if it wants to sell housing. It also improves the number of certificates confirming the right to a financial incentive for first-home buyers

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House for 1 euro.

In italy's Abruzzo region, the "houses for 1 euro" campaign in the Abruzzo region of Italy, just half an hour's drive from the ski resorts of Roccaras and the beach of Pescara, in the city of Pratola Pelinha began to offer buyers a home for a symbolic fee of 1 euro, writes Idealista. The current mayor of the city, Antonello di Nino, who took office four years ago, is one of the priorities for the entire duration of his term of office

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French convert cramped apartments into wooden houses

In 2020, the French association FNSafer, which is responsible for managing the rural real estate (RE) market in the country, registered 111,930 transactions in which the buyers were not related to agriculture. That's 6.6% more than a year earlier, writes The Local. The volume of sales of houses with land plots of 5 hectares or more amounted to $ 23.5 billion. euros, or 12.1% more than in 2019

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House prices flew into space: warns that the end of the party could come much earlier

"In Sweden (and not only) housing prices have flown into space," economist Sigismund Maurice reported on his Facebook account. The annual increase in house prices in Sweden is now as high as 23%, which, according to the economist, is the fastest growth rate in history. The rise in apartment prices jumped so much to 12 percent. Similar trends are observed in other developed countries. "For example, the U.S. annual

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